Wednesday, August 8, 2012

36 week appointment

Yesterday, we went to the doctors office for our 36 week appointment.  This was the last of our every 2 week appointments and from here on out, I will be going in once a week to check in.  As of yesterday, Blueberry is still cooking and isn't ready to join us yet.

The doctor said that everything is looking great and that the baby is at the 68th percentile for weight and they are very happy with the way the baby is growing.  At our last ultrasound, they took measurements and said that everything was perfect - music to an almost-mother's ears!

Blueberry is the size of a honeydew and it seems like we are going to be staying in the melon category from here on out.  I guess that's what happens towards the end, there are only so many categories of baby-sized fruits left.

The picture above was the best image they could get of the baby at our last appointment.  What you are looking at is the baby's face and torso (face in the middle, chest on the left).  See the dark dot in the middle?  That's the baby's eye.  From there, you can kind of put together the rest of the image.  It sure looks like chubby cheeks to me - but there's really no surprise there, is there?


Asman Family said...

"Cute" picture. I'm starting to see a striking family resemblance to...Just kidding! I'm glad that Blueberry enjoys having his/her picture taken. Gotta get used to it early in this family!

Anonymous said...

I'm not seeing the image that you see. I do see the melon, however.