Friday, August 24, 2012

38 weeks

38 weeks down... 2(ish) to go!

At this point, the baby could really come any day.  I am considered to be full-term and all of the babes organs are fully developed and it would be safe to have the baby any time from here on out.

We went to the doctor on Tuesday and they said I am 1 centimeter dilated and 50% effaced.  When I asked the doctor what that means about when I will have the baby, she said "Your due date is still September 6th - so it could be any time from now until a week after that."   Not very helpful as far as planning family travel... so at this point, all I can do is sit here and wait for Blueberry to be ready to make an appearance!

I have my suitcase mostly packed and ready to go - assuming that when its really time to go to the hospital, I can throw in a few last minute things.  I created a 4 hour playlist the other day for labor/delivery with a mix of fun, pump up and relaxing songs that we can plug in at the hospital if we want.

Most of my baby books are done, with the only chapters left unread being the ones about after the baby comes home.  

Everyone at the shul keeps coming into the office and peeking in to see if I am still at my desk. Some of them look a little disappointed to see me still sitting there.  Others are just realizing now, when I stand up, that I am pregnant.  Next week is my last week of work and then my only job will be mommy!

1 comment:

Asman Family said...

Aaaaaa!!!!!!! This is TOO EXCITING!!! I may be more excited than when my OWN kids were born! No, just kidding about that one. But I am very excited, mainly for ya'll. What a wonderful and exciting time for you. I hope you're enjoying all the "hoop-a-la"...I know I am.