Tuesday, August 28, 2012

10 day countdown!

Blueberry says "Now you see me...
Now you don't!"
Well, today is the official 10 day countdown! We went to the doctor again and they said I am still at 1 centimeter but looking good. I think the doctor was expecting me to be disappointed that I am not further along but I am still having a fun time being pregnant.

I love watching and feeling the baby move and think I am really going to miss being pregnant. I know there are so many things to look forward to when the baby is actually born but lucky for me, I've had such an easy and fun pregnancy that I will miss the feeling of actually having Blueberry inside.

Seeing that the hospital run can be any day now, Chris and I have our bags packed and ready to go. There are just a few last minute things that we will each have to throw in when we are ready but the suitcases are sitting there waiting with clothes, snacks and toiletries. 

My next appointment is a week from Thursday, which just so happens to be my due date.  We'll see if I make it to the appointment or not!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's so wonderful that your pregnancy has been so special for you. It's a moment in time in your life that you will remember forever. You and Chris have so much to look forward to!