Sunday, January 3, 2016

He's here!

Well, it's official - we are now a family of four! I am very happy to introduce Mr. Asher Gray Herman!

I know, I know... wasn't your due date in February? Why yes, yes it was! 

Thing is, however, some people just can't wait to start the party. And with the possibility of New Years looming, baby Matzo Ball thought that he might as bell come out to celebrate! So at 11:30 pm on New Years Eve, I was admitted to the hospital. Chris and I watched the countdown on tv as my contractions were amping up and at 8:29 am on 1-1-16, Asher made his appearance and started the New Years off with an extra dose of happiness!

Because he was born at 35 weeks, he needs just a little help breathing, so he is in the NICU now, but being a rock star! All of the doctors say he is doing great and he is slowly being weaned off of devices and proving what a champ he is already. 

More to come soon, but for now, welcome to the world Asher and welcome to part of an amazing family filled with love!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Your kids really know how to pick their birthdays! :)