Friday, January 8, 2016

Our week in the NICU

As of this morning, Asher is officially 1 week old! It has not been the easiest week in the NICU but it is something we are willing to accommodate to make sure that he is healthy and ready to come home. 

We started the week in NICU because Asher was born at 35 weeks and he was breathing quickly. He soon learned how to slow his breathing down and did not have to be helped anymore to regulate it. Check! Next, he had increasing bilirubin levels and was looking kind of yellow. The nurses put him under UV lights, where he had to wear tiny sunglasses, to bring the levels down. Check! Now, we just need him to keep gaining weight so he can better regulate his temperature in an open bed. We are all really hopeful that this will only take a few days and he will be home really soon.

Now that Asher has mastered the art of accessorizing with his hat and sunglasses, he gets to work on the clothing aspect. He got to wear clothes for the first time yesterday, rocking the smallest outfit we ever owned for Riley. He hasn't complained yet that he is wearing hand-me-downs, and if he wants to go to college, better not fuss about sharing a wardrobe. 

I get to the hospital at 7 am every morning and usually leave after 8 pm. I have the visits down to a science and between nursing, pumping, dressing, measuring, visiting, attempting to nap, reading and waiting, I know how to fill the day. Everyone has been so amazing in stepping in to make sure that life at home is still running smoothly and that Riley keeps his schedule, and for that I am very grateful. I'm just ready for this part to be over so we can bring him home, get into our own routine and be a family of four!

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