Sunday, January 10, 2016

Home Sweet Home

Since Asher was born and admitted to the NICU, we have been looking forward to the day that we could bring him home. And now, after 10 loooong days, many trips back and forth to the hospital, countless hours of sitting in uncomfortable chairs and counting down to when we would be discharged, the day is finally here and we are home!

After being given a clean bill of health, we packed up all of Asher's goodies, tucked him into his huge car seat and came home to a wonderful welcoming committee of Riley, Bibi, Zee, Addie and Scarlet!  

Now that we are home, it finally feels real!  I know that there will be a huge learning curve to adapt to having another baby but we are very much looking forward to the future with the addition to our new and improved family!

1 comment:

Emily said...

He looks unbelievably tiny in that crib! I'm so glad he's home.