Sunday, April 14, 2013

Age old question

Riley is such a hungry hippo that he's always wondering what's for lunch.  He is eating so many foods now which is really nice - plus, I'm sure he likes the variety too.  We have a pantry full of fruits, vegetables, baby meals, and we share our food with him sometimes too!

This weekend, we spent most of the day on Saturday inside because it was still pretty cold so we made our own fun.  Turns out, the perfect item to contain a squirmy baby is a laundry basket.  Riley turned it into his Man Cave and had a great time playing in there with his toys for a while.  We also found out that Riley loves to play with just about anything - including rubber bands.  

Riley is still minutes away from crawling and props himself up, readies himself to move and then gets frustrated as he wiggles backwards.  We are still encouraging him and maybe if we get enough cheerleaders, he will be motivated to show off.  All the moms at Gymboree tell me to enjoy his immobility while it lasts, but I know how much he wants to crawl so I will do all I can to get him there soon.

1 comment:

Asman Family said...

Soooo Cute! I really enjoyed Skyping this afternoon! Looks like he's in that Everything in the Mouth stage. I imagine that may include rubber bands, and Doggie biscuits. Just need to watch out for stuff like paper clips and pennies (I don't imagine he gives change!). I remember crawling around the floor looking for "appetizing things" that could end up in kid's mouths. Oh the Fun of parenthood.