Thursday, September 6, 2012

Due date

Well, today is September 6th - the date we have been counting down to for months and months - our due date!  And as of 9pm, we still do not have a baby.

We went to the doctor today for another check-up and they only had good things to say.  They took measurements and said that I am still at 1 cm and 50% effaced but that Blueberry could still come at any minute of any day.

We had another ultrasound too to make sure that everything on the inside was still looking good and as these measurements were taken, they gave us an approximate weight for the baby.  A few months ago, the baby was going to be in the 7 pound range - last month, the baby was going to be about 8 pounds - as of today's estimation, Blueberry will be 9 pounds, 4 ounces!  OUCH!  They keep telling me that since I'm tall, it should all still be ok, but I don't think height really matters much when the width seems like the bigger obstacle.  It seems like I need to be built like a double-wide to be able to fit this baby.  They also kept reminding me that the weight was just an approximation and has a range of +/- 22 ounces (almost 1.5 pounds) so this baby could really be anywhere from 8-10.5 pounds.  Keep your fingers crossed that we aim to the lower end.

During the ultrasound, we got to see the babys face from the front for the first time.  Usually its just a profile shot but since things are getting pretty tight in there, the face was pointing out and we were able to catch a glimpse of the baby at a new angle.  The tech pointed out the eyes, the nose, the chin and I am pretty sure I saw a mustache.  At first, it looked like a Mexican mustache and then later it looked like Colonel Sanders...  lets hope that it was just the shadows playing tricks!

We have another appointment set for Monday afternoon that we can start taking bets on if we will make it to then or not.  The doctor also said that either way, I will have a baby in 10 days, either with natural labor or induction.  Until then, I will keep eating spicy food, taking walks and start playing on the swings!


Asman Family said...

What do you mean "still don't have a baby". Of course you's right in front of you! See it?? Well, this is all getting very exciting. I've been following things from afar for all this time; I think that it's about time that I come and take stock of the situation myself. I'll be there SOON! Can't wait to see everyone for myself. Till then...enjoy the spicy food!

Don't worry, Blueberry is just making sure that he/she is building anticipation for his/her Grand Entrance! Ta Da!

Sharna said...

The waiting is the hard part!!! Well, actually, the first few weeks will REALLY be the hard part, unless, of course, you count the actual labor!!! I'll bet that if Blueberry is a boy it will look like Erin and if a girl it will look like Chris. Just sayin' was that way in my family and many of our friends...the boy looks like the Mom and the girl looks like the Dad. Either way, will be one beautiful little human!!!

Sharna said...

By the way, 'Unknown' is Sharna. I've signed into this site 15 times and it doesn't seem to work right!