Thursday, April 19, 2012


So?  Can you see anything?  My baby bump keeps fluctuating - some days its bigger and some days its smaller.  I wore a tighter exercise shirt to Zumba class last night and felt pretty big but then this morning, there is not much to show.  Apparently Blueberry is a little shy this morning.

Today officially marks 20 weeks - the half way mark!  This week, our reference fruit is a small cantaloupe.  I don't know about you but I do not see a small cantaloupe in there.  Blueberry is 6.5 inches and 10.6 ounces and hopefully growing bigger every day.

We have been listening with our stethoscope to see if we can hear heartbeats and haven't been able to yet.  The heartbeat would be really faint so I'm not surprised that we can't hear anything.  I am getting good at finding the dogs heartbeats though, and I think they like when I lay on their beds and listen.  In my stomach, I hear swishing and feel little flutters and keep trying to share with Chris when I feel them but they are on and off and unpredictable.  

We have a doctors appointment and ultrasound scheduled for Tuesday morning and this is the one I've been counting down to.  It seems like such a long time ago (7 weeks) that we last saw the baby and can't wait to see what he/she looks like at this point.  If the baby cooperates, we could find out the sex but I think we are going to leave that as a surprise.  I keep thinking, "Well, maybe we should find out - it would be really fun - and then we can pick out the right things." but then the surprise is gone.

I will post pictures when my belly is more visible - I just know that one day soon, I will pop!

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