Saturday, December 5, 2015

30 weeks

Well, with less than 10 weeks to go, we are in the final countdown of getting to meet Matzo Ball!  Although people tell me that I look small, I don't believe any of them, plus, Chris says that they are all lying...

Some days, I feel him moving around just making himself comfortable, and other days it feels like he is moving around all the furniture and re-decorating the place to make things more feng shui.

I am now at the point where I have doctor appointments every two weeks and each time I go, they say things are looking and sounding good.  We have an appointment set to take a tour of the hospital and have someone coming to order new windows for the nursery too so we can have a nice toasty baby when he gets used to his room.

Next steps after that?  Painting his room and picking his name!


1 comment:

Asman Family said...

You look "Mavalus"! Maybe you should just keep the name "Matzo Ball"! That would definitely be unique.