Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Tis better to give?

We've decided to start a new family holiday tradition.  Every year around the holidays, we are going to pick out a handful of toys to donate and make sure the kid(s) help in the activity to teach the importance of helping others.  The problem is, with a three-year-old, this is a very hard lesson to teach.

Riley's favorite part of Hanukkah was the presents - go figure!  He helped to light the candles and tolerated the blessings, but really lit up when he got to open his presents.  Now, try to teach him the art of giving and cue a tantrum.  I tried to explain by asking if presents made him happy?  And if he didn't get any presents, wouldn't he be sad?  That is why we are going to get presents for kids who won't have any, and he kept saying "for me??"

Throughout the process, Riley could not wrap his head around the fact that the gifts were not for him and when it was time to make the donation, it was done so with a handful of tears, a few stomps of his feet and with an overall begrudging attitude - so I ask you - does he look like he believes that it is better to give than to receive?

Maybe over the next few years he will understand the meaning a little more and get into the holiday spirit of helping others - I hope!

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