Saturday, February 18, 2012

Pregnancy Top 10

This week, my mom shared with me her Top 10 reasons she loved being pregnant.  With her permission, I thought it would be nice to share (thanks Mommy!).  So here you go, the Top 10 reasons, according to Malori, why it's great to be pregnant...

10) I had a healthy glow for 9 months
9) People held doors open for me
8) I got to eat whatever I wanted - guilt free!
7) I felt healthy - inside and out
6) My hair grew very fast and was so thick and shiny
5) I loved having a life inside of me, one which I alone could nurture
4) I loved feeling the kicking 
3) I felt special
2) It was such an emotional time - I had so much love to share 
1) I knew this was a moment in time that I would remember always...and I have!

Some of these I have felt already, some of them I look forward to celebrating in the future.  Either way, I feel lucky to have 200+/- days of pregnancy to look forward to.  Any others that should be added to the list?  Feel free to share!

1 comment:

Asman Family said...

All you do is hear complaints about being pregnancy...obviously, there are some good points.