As we progress from week to week, the baby is growing and changing - eyes appear, fingers develop and a heart grows stronger. Stacey has been following along throughout this process and has decided to give her own blow-by-blow based on the research that she has done. In her very own words, here is what our baby (nicknamed "Blueberry") has been up to over the past few weeks.
Week 7
- looks like a porpoise
- with "pudgy extremities"
- with a tail
- your baby has two brain hemispheres
- you have more than 10% more blood than you normally do. by the end of your pregnancy you’ll have 40-45% more! woah!
Week 8
- your pourpose has turned into a rhino
- with webbed fingers and toes
- dont worry, the tail is almost gone now
- but at this point no genitals
- it is the size of a kidney bean
- is your bra more snug? it said i can go up 4 cup sizes!
Week 9:
- looks like a squid (without the tentacles)
- the tail is totally gone, finally!
- full eyes (will they be blue???) but they're fused shut so don't bother trying to figure out what color they are
- are you mood swinging? i bet Chris likes that
Week 10:
- your baby is now an alien
- tap-dancing is normal now so shine up those patent leather shoes
- peach fuzz is there now - see if you can see a teeny jew-fro on the ultrasound!
- translucent skin, still creepy
Week 11:
- looks like a walrus
- practicing water ballet (tiny shoes?)
- may have the hiccups - but probably only when she laughs
Week 12:
- alien again, and if you prod your belly, blueberry will squirm in response (but you cant feel it)
- blueberry starts urinating - enjoy that
- eyes are now in front of its face instead of on the side
- do you have heartburn yet? that's not fun
Week 13:
- baby? wow, it looks like a baby!
- the body is starting to catch up with its head, thank goodness
- if blueberry is a girl, she has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries - whaaaat? get that girl on the pill!
Thanks for the feedback Stacey!
Can't wait to see what you come up with for the upcoming weeks!
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