Saturday, November 10, 2018

Bunk Bed Brothers

This afternoon as Chris and I were watching the Buckeye game, the boys were upstairs playing in Riley's room.  It was the longest time they played together without yelling, fighting or crying and it was really fun to hear them laughing and and playing along with each other.

When it was getting close to nap time, Riley came down and told us that he had tucked Asher into the top bunk and he was going to nap up there - so who were we to refuse this request?  Asher was so cute snuggled up on the top bunk in such a big kid bed!

And for bedtime tonight, Chris asked if they wanted to have a slumber party and sleep in the bunk beds together.  This, of course, was met with resounding approval!  So tonight, the boys are having a brothers sleepover party.  I hear them talking and laughing and so far I have only been called in twice, so we will see how this goes.  Keeping my fingers crossed that Asher will fall asleep quickly and Riley will stop talking to him when he stops getting answers!

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