Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Remembering Grandma

As much as this blog is usually for celebrations, milestones, cute stories and overall fun, I also want to include parts of life that may sad but still memorable.  This past weekend, Grrandma/GeeGee passed away and we said goodbye to her in California.  While it is a very sad time and I will miss her every day, it is also important to remember the good times that we had with her and the lasting memories that have been made.

I am so lucky to have had such a strong bond with all of my grandparents, and one that I got to foster years and years beyond those of many of my peers.  Not many people can say that they had all 4 of their grandparents until they were 24, but I am truly blessed to be able to say this.

My relationship with Grandma was amazing and so what the relationship that GeeGee had with her boys.  I am so sad that Riley and Asher will not have the opportunity to grow up with her influence as I did, but I'd like to think that she was able to make a lasting impression on Riley.  At 4 1/2, I think the interactions that they had may make it to the long-term memory bank.  Asher, sadly, will not have the same, but from pictures and stories, he will know GeeGee as well.

These pictures, just a handful of precious memories, show what a loving, caring, devoted GeeGee Grandma was to the boys.  I hope that they do their namesake proud and live a life that Grandpa would be proud to share his name with, and that Grandma will be a part of their memories.


Stacey said...

What a beautiful blog post. Riley will definitely remember GeeGee and he is so lucky for that. Although Asher won't remember her, you have stories and pictures of the two of them together. The best we can do is to keep telling the boys stories of GeeGee, advice she gave, and to keep her and Grandpa's memories alive and well.

Asman Family said...

Quite a lady, huh? Even though your boys may not remember a lot of the "specifics". Their lives will be influenced by Grandma (and Grandpa) through their influences on YOUR lives and the stories that YOU tell.