Thursday, March 9, 2017

4 and 1/2

Yesterday, I explained to Riley that since it was going to be March 9, it would be his half birthday!  He said he was turning 5 and didn't quite get the idea of halves, but I guess they are not learning fractions yet at school.  So he asked if he was getting cupcakes and we settled on a celebratory pie.

This morning, he came running into our room and said "It's my birthday!  I'm bringing cupcakes to school!"  Once we explained again that it was his half birthday and avoided the cupcake question, we sent him on his way to get ready for school.  Meanwhile, I felt guilt daggers starting to stab - who am I to put a damper on his fun?  If my son wants to celebrate his half birthday with treats, who am I to stop him?  So at 7:15 am, I hopped into the kitchen and got some cookies into the oven.  15 minutes later we had a batch of chocolate chip cookies cut into half in order to celebrate Riley's half birthday at school!

Then at home, we celebrated again - with a half of a (mini) pie and a dinosaur candle each.  We sang "happy half birthday to us" as a duet and blew out the candles together!

And one more very important part of acknowledging the fact that he is older is the fact that he is growing too!  Each month Riley gets bigger and bigger and I still can not believe how tall, mature, well spoken and smart this kid is.  He was telling me today about the planets and the solar system and meteors and how he loves just about everything that is space related.  

People try to tell you how quickly time flies and sometimes you just don't believe them when you are caught up in the minutia of cooking dinner, doing bath time, getting ready for bed, washing dishes, doing laundry, walking the dog, packing up school bags and starting all over again the next day.  But days are long - years are short, and before I know it, we will have a 5 year old on our hands!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Gah, he's four and a half already??? Is he picking out his own outfits? Is that why he's wearing mustache pajamas with minion socks?