Friday, March 3, 2017

Asher's first graduation

This morning, Asher officially graduated from physical therapy!  

When he was born 5 weeks early, a set of events was put into motion.  His muscles were not fully developed which lead to him not having full range of motion in his neck.  Because the muscles were tight, he couldn't turn his head the whole way which lead to a flat spot on his head.  That lead to a helmet and some muscle weakness in his shoulders.  Weakness lead to army crawling rather than getting up on all fours, but at the end of the day, he has made tremendous progress and has now completed physical therapy.

We used to have the physical therapist come every week and then moved to every other week.  Mary was always excited to see his progress and was proud of the new tricks we got to show off.  Today, Asher was walking around the room and crawling up blocks and trying to throw a ball.  All of these tricks show what great strides he has made and he has caught up to the skills that kids his age should be able to master.  

Of course there are still always new things to learn and practice, so our work here is far from over, but Asher has done a great job and you can see how proud he is of himself when he gets up and walks across the room!

1 comment:

Asman Family said...

Tell Asher that I'm proud of him too. Graduating from anything is an accomplishment to be proud of! I'm still proud of graduating preschool. That was an accomplishment for me!