Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Hey batter batter!

This weekend, we celebrated Labor Day with the age old tradition of heading out to the ball park - and this visit was especially significant as it was Asher's first visit to a baseball game!

It was the perfect day to go to a baseball game with blue skies and the sun shining.  Chris picked the perfect seats that gave us a great view of the field while sitting comfortably in the shade.  Riley was pretty into the game at first, but once he saw someone eating chicken tenders, his sights shifted and that was all he was interested in.  So we indulged and he enjoyed his meal - until he saw the cotton candy man.  Then, all he ever wanted in life was cotton candy.  We said no about 12 million times and kept our cool while telling him no over and over again.  Riley did not keep his cool and almost made us leave right then.  

To distract ourselves from the near meltdown, Asher and I busied ourselves with a photo shoot.  He really enjoyed being at the game and overtime the music came on and people started clapping, he would look around and get excited.  His favorite part of the whole game was clapping!  

We lasted about 2 hours and ended up leaving around 6 to get home in time for bedtime and bath time for Asher.  Overall, I would say that it went pretty well - but we will also probably be waiting a few years before we try to go again!

1 comment:

Asman Family said...

Plenty of distractions, at a baseball game, to keep anyone busy!