Friday, September 2, 2016

8 Months!

As of yesterday, Asher is 8 months old, and as of today he is 35 weeks old.  No, I am not usually still counting how old he is in weeks - it just means that he has officially been growing on the outside as long as he was cooking on the inside!  And grow he has!

Our little chunker is as perfect and healthy as can be.  He has a very pleasant disposition and has quite the personality.  He isn't afraid to 'tell' you what he thinks and is a very happy baby.  He is eating so many different fruits and vegetables and he hasn't made a face at one of them yet.  He loves bath time and the music, will lunge to grab Addison's fur and thinks Riley is just the best person in the world.  If I have to go upstairs to grab something and Asher starts crying, I just ask Riley to sing to him or make funny noises and immediately Asher starts laughing and is happy again.

Asher is making great progress with his helmet - we are seeing changes to his head shape and it does not hold him back from anything.  He is rolling all over the place, sitting on his own for minutes at a time, lifting up his head and shoulders and is starting to think about scooting.  He is still having physical therapy but now every other week.  The physical therapist is very happy with his progress and our next goals are crawling and standing.  I guess it's time to baby-proof again!

And with his helmet, Asher is making friends wherever he goes.  So many people stop to tell us that they love his helmet and we've had dozens of "Go Buckeyes"!  And with the start of college football season, I'm sure he will keep turning heads wherever he goes.  

1 comment:

Emily said...

What a cute little chubster. Can't wait to meet him.