Friday, August 7, 2015

Big boy Riley

Well, this has been a crazy summer with travel and going here and there, but I am happy to report that we are all back under one roof and intend to stay that way for a little while.  It is amazing how much Riley grows up in a short amount of time and both Chris and I realized that when we came home to a bigger boy after each of our trips. So in honor of his growing up, he gets to start sleeping in a big boy bed!

We told him we had a surprise waiting for him in his room and I think he seems pretty happy about it - don't you think?  What not-so-little boy wouldn't want a new race car bed with Lightning McQueen sheets?  

And the cherry on top?  I was invited into his special bed for our nightly book reading.  There was no question of where the pacifier is, so let's hope he makes the connection that big boys in big beds don't get paci's.  If it needs to be explained, I am ready to share that knowledge.

As I write this blog a little after bed time, I keep checking his video monitor to make sure that he is still in bed.  Currently, his leg is balancing precariously on the edge of the bed, but the saving grace is that there isn't that far to fall if he decides to take a roll.  On second thought... I think I will go put some blankets on the floor as a soft landing pad - just in case!


Unknown said...

There's no way this kid is only going to be 3! He's gotten so big! He walks so grown up and speaks so well! His new big boy bed is awesome! Enjoy Riley!

Asman Family said...

I think I'd like to see if they make that bed in a little bigger size...for me! Hope he enjoys it and that you can "enjoy" his ability to just step out of bed and explore.
Good Luck,

Anonymous said...

Riley, that's so exciting to see that you are in a big boy bed...and it has wheels! Oh, the places you'll go in your dreams!
