Sunday, March 23, 2014

Checking out SportsWorks

This afternoon, we made the most of the still cold weather and took advantage of our museum membership by heading to SportsWorks at the Science Center.  Riley and I picked up BiBi and went to check it out as none of us had ever been there before.

We weren't quite sure what to expect, but when we walked through the door, we were presented with an indoor playground with all sorts of sports activities and simulators to try.  Even though the kid "working" the front door assured us that Riley could use most of the games, he was still a little too little for the majority of the options.  No, he was not strapped into a harness and encouraged to flip on a trampoline - nor was he allowed to bike across a tightrope, but we found things that were more age appropriate and had a great time exploring and people watching.

We tested Riley's vertical jump (he still has to learn how to get both feet off the ground) and timed his sprint (he will go much faster when he learns that he doesn't have to flail his arms around when running) but his favorite activities were the huge Operation game and a hockey simulator that he played more like Whack-A-Mole.

This is the kind of place that we can go to over and over again and each time, there will be something new to play with that he was too small to do the time before.  It's a great place to go when it's cold or rainy and now that we know what to expect, I indeed to head over much more often!  How else is Riley going to start practicing for his surgery rotation?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You captured the whole experience so well! Riley didn't want to have anything to do with the simulators. He kept shaking his head and saying, "noooo". It was a lot of fun watching him explore.