Sunday, March 9, 2014

Hap Birt Ril

Today is Riley's year and a half birthday and we had all intentions to celebrate, because who doesn't like a reason to have a party with cake.  Too bad a little "bug" decided to get in the way and ruin the celebration...  Riley has not been feeling well for the past 24 hours and unfortunately,  no one wants to have a party when you aren't feeling well.  I think Brad said it best when he said "It's Riley's party and he can cry if he wants to"!

The good news is that when the Motrin kicks in, everything is fine!

We had a family dinner but never got around to cake and singing.  Hopefully Riley will be feeling better tomorrow and we can catch up on cake time!  Thanks to everyone who tried to celebrate with us!  We will let you know when the re-do is!

1 comment:

Asman Family said...

I KNOW!!! It was so sad to have to be not feeling well on your Half Birthday! Of ALL days! While it was great having everyone together, It would have been better if Riley was his "Old Self" (now that he's a Year and a HALF). Well, hopefully he will be feeling well soon and we can relaunch the party. Any time is a good time to have a party!