Sunday, March 30, 2014

Checkin out the Children's Museum

Well, its still winter here in Pittsburgh and even though the sun was shining today, there was still snow on the ground and a chill in the air.  So we made the most of having to stay inside and took an early morning trip to the Children's Museum.  We had never been there before and didn't know what to expect, but we had a great time!

We started in the art department where Riley painted a picture, made an art project with magic paint and played with clay.  We decided it was time to move on and try something else when he was convinced that a ball of clay was an apple and kept trying to put it in his mouth.

In the next room, he got to play with all kinds of blocks and tools and learned the foundation of architecture and construction.  I wouldn't necessarily recommend living in a house that he built quite yet, but there is still time for practice and a formal education.

There were so many different rooms to explore with puppets and stars and trains and slides that we spent a few hours checking out everything that we could see.  This is the kind of place that we could go over and over again and since its so hands-on, there is always something new to explore and something else that Riley will be big enough to do.

We played with sand and glass beads, we learned that Riley now knows the word "mine" when he didn't want to share his toys, and we gauged the timing perfectly so that we were able to keep Riley's eyes open just long enough to make it home for nap time!

1 comment:

Asman Family said...

I've never been to the Children's Museum. Sounds very fun. Now, I can't wait to go there myself. When ever I do something like that, I think I learn as much as the kids do!

I just love that he's experiencing all these new things. His mind is like a great big sponge, absorbing EVERYTHING!