Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Until next year

Tonight marks the last night of Hanukkah.  It has been a great family filled with family, wonderful gifts and delicious food.  I think Riley is now going to expect to pick out candles and open presents every night.

The JCC celebrated Hanukkah today with a performance that Chris, BiBi and I all went to see.  Each of the classes had a performance and the infants were starting out the show with a Parade of Hanukkah Symbols.  What does this really mean?  It means that they put all the babies who are awake in a stroller and push them across the stage.

Riley was put in charge of showing off the hanukkiah and took his job very seriously - until he saw us in the audience.  Then, he decided to throw it on the ground and show off with his famous "uh-oh", which got a group laugh!  The other performances were very cute and Riley got to stay with us to watch the older kids sing.

Tonight, we went to a family Hanukkah celebration that included story time, drummers, singers, latkes, pizza and Riley's very first marshmallow.  He was walking around making all kinds of friends and making sure not to miss a thing.  I think his favorite part was the drum circle because he was standing there, bouncing along and trying to play how own drum.  We will see if that turns into his instrument of choice in the future.

Riley opened his last gift tonight - a set of trucks!  He has learned over the past week how to open gifts and I don't think anything wrapped will ever be safe again!


Asman Family said...

Ooooooo !!! Trucks! I think that Riley now has an entire construction company to be in charge of. No wonder little boys like to watch the "Big Trucks", they're just like the little ones that they have at home. Actually, I just hope that Riley will share his trucks with me when I come over to play.

Anonymous said...

What a great memory of a special celebration that lasted for 8 crazy nights! Family, family and more family, coming and going. Gifts galore, latkes, candles each night and parties - what's not to love!

We loved celebrating with you and having you pick out all the colorful candles you carefully selected.

I just put away the Hanukkah box but I cannot wait until next year to take it out to play with you!
