Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Little monkey Riley

This month, Riley's favorite food is bananas - which is funny cause that is where we started on this whole food merry-go-round to begin with. Every time he sees a banana, he wants to grab it.  He loves to eat them but also loves to play with it.  He doesn't quite get that there is a peel and certain pieces that you eat, but I'm certain that he will get better at the whole process over time.  For now, it's pretty funny to watch!

We have been having a great Hanukkah and it was so wonderful to be able to spend time with both sides of the family.  We loved having everyone here and loved the company.  Riley is having so much fun with all of his new gifts and we are going to have to figure out a rotation process because there just isn't enough room to keep everything out - you all spoil him so much!

Riley is taking his role of candle selector very seriously.  Each night for Hanukkah, he shows BiBi which candles are to go in the hanukkiah and loves pulling the candles out of the box.  He did the same for us tonight and I think he made a beautiful selection!


Anonymous said...

These are hard lessons to learn! How does a monkey figure it out? I think he really likes the peel better! He did learn a new word - yucky!

He is the best candle picker outer!


Asman Family said...

Who knew a banana was so versatile? One may wear it, play with it, roll it, and may even consider eating it. Maybe the peel tastes good also!