Sunday, December 8, 2013

Riley's 1st Haircut

Chris has been waiting for this day for a while and I held out as long as I could, but Riley was called a girl one too many times, and we knew it was time. With BiBi and Zee along for the adventure, the film crew took over Little Snips as Riley came in for his very first haircut! 

Riley got to sit in a little police car and we all surrounded him with cameras and toys on hand, ready to help out and make the haircut as easy as possible.  Unlike most other kids who scream and cry and squirm, (as I've been told I did...), Riley was a champ and did a great job!  

Of course, there were a few tears here and there, but overall, Riley did wonderfully!  He now looks so mature and still incredible handsome!


Now what is it exactly, that I am supposed do to with this:


Sharna said...

Uhh.. maybe it is because I wasn't there....but the hair doo looks the same to me!! Cuteness before AND after

Anonymous said...

I beg to differ - it looks very different! I've never been quite sure what to do with the little pieces of hair myself. You tell me, do you appreciate that it is in your baby book? Maybe not. What about your first tooth? Should parents keep these things for their kids to "enjoy" later? Maybe with a virtual baby book it's a little more complicated, but we glued the little baggie of hair snips into the book.

But I do agree with "Unknown" that he is as handsome as ever. Stacey, are you "unknown"? If so, I am "Anoymous!"

Unknown said...

I loved the long hair! I think it was so adorable! Regardless, he still looks super handsome! No mistaking him for a girl now.