Monday, September 16, 2013

Too much of a good thing?

My, oh my - do baby things accumulate!  They have a way of taking over your house!  First it starts with the furniture, the carseat, the stroller.  Then comes the clothes, diapers and accessories.  Finally, you add toys, stuffed animals and pacifiers and before you know it, you have a one-year old who seemingly has everything ever offered for babies in the history of the world.

I know that we don't actually have everything and we have been pretty selective in the things we buy but have been lucky to have such an involved family who wants to provide everything for the new toy of the family.

Our garage now looks like the stroller isle of Babies'R'Us that first overwhelmed up with possibilities.  I don't know where bikes, wagons and more strollers will fit when we add to the family.

Even the bathtub is filling up - not just with water - but with toys!  We have tried to keep all of Riley's "stuff" either in his room or in its designated space and have done a pretty good job so far.  I just know that as soon as he can carry things and walk, the whole house is sure to turn into his play area.  

Next thing to add to the wish list?  A playroom!  Here's hoping!


Asman Family said...

Take my word for it...a play room will just fill up too. You've heard of Boyle's Law of Gases? It states that gas will expand to take the shape of the container into which you put it. In other words, the toys and paraphernalia will just grow to take up all the room you give them!

Gabe said...

And here I thought Daddy was just saying Riley will sometimes get gas...

Anonymous said...

I had the same feelings about over-plasticing the house. It's a difficult thing to manage - first world problems, right?
