Sunday, June 16, 2013

Chris' 1st Fathers Day

Today, Chris got to celebrate his first Father's Day - and it turned out to be a pretty great day. We started out the morning with a walk to Dunkin Donuts for coffee and breakfast.  Next on the schedule, Chris, Claude and Simon went out in the beautiful weather and played a round of golf.

While the boys were out golfing, Riley, Linda and I suited up and headed to the local pool.  We had such a fun time in the baby pool just relaxing, playing with the fountains, making new friends and playing with our pool toys.

After an afternoon nap, everyone reconvened for dinner - a steak and potato schmorgasbord - followed by pie with ice cream.  Honestly, does life get any better?

The evening ended by opening presents and spending time with the family.  We had such a great day and Chris said he had a wonderful Father's Day!


Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day, Chris! It's wonderful to be a dad, especially with a little cutie pie like Riley!

Asman Family said...

YEA! Happy Father's Day! Welcome to the "Club"! And what a cutie "key" to the club Riley is! Sounds like y'all had a great Father's Day, the first of what will hopefully be many many more to come!