Saturday, December 15, 2012

Happy Hanukkah!

All week we have been celebrating Riley's first Hanukkah!  We have had a great time - parties, family, latkes and gelt - what else can you ask for?  We lit the candles and opened presents every night together.

There was a party at shul on Tuesday where Riley was invited to sit at the Rabbi's table and got to say the blessing cause it was his first Hanukkah (and had a shirt to prove it)!  Everyone came over to check out his shirt and tell us how cute he was.  There was a juggling performance and Riley was thrilled watching the show, taking in the new experience!

Riley loved the candles and helped to light the menorah.  The flames were so bright and pretty!  Maybe next year he will be able to light his own baby menorah!
On the last night, we had a family party and opened the rest of the gifts - ALL of them!  Riley made quite the haul too!   Throughout the nights, he got a picture frame, shoes, great additions to his wardrobe, an iPod shuffle and speakers, toys, books and many, many Mondos!

Happy Hanukkah to all and to all a good night!

1 comment:

Asman Family said...

These are truly THE MOST ADORABLE pictures you've posted so far. The sparkle in not only Riley's eyes, but both your's and Chris' are beautiful! As parents, you're finding that you can experience everything all over again, this time through Riley's eyes. Enjoy every minute of it.