Friday, June 1, 2012

Sisters Trip!

This past weekend, Stacey and I took a Sister's Trip before travel will be limited with the baby.  We took a drive up to Portland, Maine and stayed for 2 nights and enjoyed the whole trip.  Portland is a very cute city and by the end of 3 days, we can now tell you where the best ice cream and souvenir shops are as we checked them all out.

The weather was beautiful and we couldn't have had a better time.  We took morning coffee walks, went shopping, took a ferry ride to explore Peaks Island, rented bikes and took a bunch of pictures.  It was so much fun to be able to do whatever we wanted without a schedule.  It was such a relaxing vacation and more than anything, the company was fabulous.

The baby was really good the whole weekend and didn't hold me back much.  Stacey called me "Preggers" the whole time and we used that excuse to eat ice cream for dinner.  Stacey got to feel Blueberry kick around and I even got to belly bump a lighthouse!  

1 comment:

Asman Family said...

I LOVE the fact that you were able to take a "Sisters Trip"...take it from someone that thoroughly enjoys my "Brothers Trip" with Uncle Eric. I know exactly what you mean when you talk about "special time". Glad you enjoyed it!