Wednesday, March 7, 2012

It's Official!

News of the baby has been spreading like wildfire!  We posted our announcement on Facebook and within 24 hours, we had over 150 "likes" and more than 70 comments.  I feel so lucky that everyone is so excited for us and must admit, I enjoyed the rock star status too!  We can't wait to share more of the process as we get further along.

This morning I went to the doctor for a check-up and everything is looking great!  They listened to the heartbeat and said it was a strong 155 and they could tell that the baby was moving around a lot based on the sounds.  This little wiggle worm is ready to party!  


Malori Asman said...
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Malori Asman said...

It's a river dancin' lemon!

Asman Family said...

Yea! Now we can tell the're both Rock Stars! Enjoy the notoriety. Don't you love keeping track of the growth of your "lemon". I remember, while working in the Nursery, I would look at premies that were the same gestational age as Mommy was pregnant and be amazed about the development and size. My suggestion to you is to keep the "Lemon" inside till it's full grown! Much easier to grow in there!