Thursday, March 29, 2012

Bloomin' Onion

Today officially marks 17 weeks into the pregnancy - which according to the Baby Bump app, I only have 161 days to go.  

As of this week, the baby is the size of an onion!  5.1 inches, 5.9 ounces. And just like onions and ogres, babies have layers.

My books say that between weeks 16 and 22, most moms are able to feel the baby moving and kicking for the first time. So far, I haven't felt anything yet - but every night I lay there and wait for a little while just to see if I can feel anything. Maybe this week, maybe next week... stay tuned!

We have an appointment next week for another ultrasound and are really excited to see the baby again. Its been a month already since the last visit and I will just be counting down the days until Fridays appointment.

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