Saturday, January 11, 2020

Happy 4th Birthday Asher

Asher is 4 years old and it's time to party!  Because I was away again this year for Asher's birthday, we delayed/continued the celebration for another 10 days of fun until we were all able to get together.  This evening, Bibi and Zee came over (the Stamms had to back out due to illness) and we had a family party with the specific parameters as per Asher's requests.  I asked him a few times what he wanted for his celebration and he said M&M's and donuts.  He didn't want a theme... he didn't want decorations... he didn't want a cake - just donuts and M&M's.  So that is what we had!

Asher celebrated on his actual birthday, brought donuts to his friends at school and had a party tonight.  So now 10 days of celebrations later, I think it is time to pass along the birthday torch to the other January babies.

Asher - at 4 years old, you are sweet, smart, silly and so many other things.  You try to be like your big brother but you also like to do your own thing.  You don't mind standing up for yourself but are still a snuggle bug.  You help me to get ready in the morning by picking out my jewelry and handing me my make-up.  You insist on doing most things yourself but still like to be carried every once in a while.  You are learning new things every day and I always look to you when I need a smile or a hug.

I can't believe that our baby is already 4 years old and I can't wait to see how he grows into the next year.

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