Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Tiny tooth time

It's hard to get a picture to prove it - especially when toys are being swung at my face - but Asher has 2 tiny teeth coming on the bottom!  Chris felt one at the end of last week and we have been keeping an eye on it, and today I saw the second one breaking through. 

He has been waking up a few times at night, usually just wanting his paci, so we are hoping to get back to his full night sleeps soon - but also, I just know that he is going to look so freaking adorable with little teeth in place, so I also want them to come in already.

Asher is doing a great job eating and has learned to mash up all kinds of food without teeth. He loves avocados and bananas, chicken and pancakes, eggs and cantaloupe.  To be honest, I don't think we have come across a food yet that he doesn't like.  And all 23 pounds of him can prove that he is a great eater!

Update: I got a picture where you can see his tiny teeth!

1 comment:

Asman Family said...

Looks like YOU'RE the one that needs to wear the helmet!