Saturday, July 23, 2016

The final countdown

We are now within the final countdown until Chris gets home and everyone in the house is really excited!  Just being able to say 5 days, now 4 days, now 3 days feels really great - and I know that Chris is just as excited to be home and see us all.

I have to admit that I was really scared about this month that he was going to be gone, but now that it's almost over, I can say that it went pretty well.  Between hiring someone to be here after camp on some days, being invited over to BiBi and Zee's house and Riley having sleep overs, Aunt Stacey and Uncle Brad having Shabbat with us, and me learning how to get by alone with a routine, I am happy to announce that we all had a very successful month  - something I am very proud of!

That being said, I do not know how people choose to do this on their own.  Parenting is exhausting and all consuming for two parents as a team, but when you are all alone, its a whole other story.  Asher has a way of sensing just as I am about to fall asleep and decides he needs his pacifier then.  Riley has a way of knowing when my patience is wearing thin and decides to throw a fit then.  But at the end of the day, we are all functioning very well.

It helped that Chris was able to communicate pretty frequently - I was able to keep him posted and send pictures and videos and we were able to Skype a number of times so Riley could talk to him and Asher could see him and smile back.  Thank you technology!

We made the most of our time while Chris was gone and did all the things that he doesn't love - we had play dates and went to birthday parties, we went to the History museum and had lazy time at the house, we made peanut butter and jelly for dinner and ate all kinds of vegetables.  

Knowing that I have to do this again next year isn't something that I am looking forward to - but now that I've done it and know what is possible, I will not be dreading it either.   

Thank you to everyone that helped this month - it was very much appreciated!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Very cute. That's what family is for. You did an amazing job!