Monday, June 27, 2016

The Hershey Tradition

This weekend, we continued the Asman tradition of starting off the summer with a family trip to Hershey!  And with our growing brood, it was quite a feat that everyone was able to come together to one place for a quick weekend of family time, relaxation and chocolate!

It looked like we were moving in for a month with all of the things that we brought, but with 2 kids under 4, we pretty much had to bring one of everything.  From water wings to tennis rackets, a cooler and a baby chair, we were ready for just about any situation.  Turns out we would have just been fine with bathing suits cause we were all pretty happy just spending hours at the pool.  This was Asher's first time swimming and he is a water baby just like his big brother.  Everyone was checking out his big baby thighs in his adorable swim suit and he was quick to make new friends.  Riley showed no fear and had hours or fun jumping off the edge of the pool.

We went to Chocolate World, played (and won) chocolate bingo, celebrated Arielle's birthday and had a great time before everyone goes in every different direction for the summer.  I hope this is a tradition that we can continue as the boys grow up because I love being able to share experiences with them that I had when I was growing up!

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