Monday, March 21, 2016

Ode to a tired dad

I'm sorry to say it, but tonight is the night that Chris cracked.  I came into Riley's room and Chris was laying on the bed laughing hysterically for no reason what-so-ever.  I should have seen it coming all night...

It was a normal evening at first - he made dinner, I tended to crying Asher, Riley was asking a thousand questions.  We sat down for about 10 minutes as a family for dinner before each of us had to take turns holding Asher who made it his mission to keep the attention on him, as he does at dinner almost every night.

After dinner, I went to nurse Asher in his room.  It was dark and quiet with music playing but from the other side of the door, I kept hearing "Daddy? Daddy! Daddy?" and I knew Chris was doing all he could to keep it together.  At one point, he came in the room, laid on the floor and hid from Riley for 2 minutes.  I considered myself lucky to be in the quiet room!

About 20 minutes later, Chris came back in the room asks Asher "Can you please grow up faster?  Riley needs someone to play with!"  While I am enjoying all the snuggly tiny human time, Chris is ready for another boy who he can actually play with.

When Chris was reduced to a laughing fool, I tried to relieve him and took over bedtime for Riley who was fighting the fact that he had to put on jammies and trying to convince us that a blankie that smelled like blurp was actually his and not Asher's dirty one.

I am happy to announce, however, that both boys are now in bed - Chris is happy with a beer and video games and I am enjoying my ice cream.  Let's celebrate little victories like bedtime!


Stacey said...

"The Day that Daddy Cracked" - I love it!

Asman Family said...

Bed time is ALWAYS a victory...even for us adults!