Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Birmingham Bonanza

For weeks and weeks, we have been counting down to many things.  Chris was out of town for 1 1/2 weeks so the day Riley and I packed up and headed to the airport, the countdown was over to see Daddy, ride an airplane and celebrate Halloween!  Riley was an excellent flyer and was really a pleasure to have next to me on the short flight down to Atlanta.  He helped to flap, watched a movie and ate snacks, and before you knew it, we were there!

We hadn't been to Birmingham in over a year so our visit was much anticipated.  We didn't need many plans and just knew that time with the family would fill our hours well.  Riley was so excited to see Grammy and Grandy and he quickly made himself at home finding all the fun toys - the pool table, the chess set and Carol the singing bear to name a few.  Grandy was even willing to change the channel from CNN so that he and Riley could watch cartoons together.

We celebrated the all important Halloween as the dynamic trio - the baker, a bun in the oven and the race car driver.  Although we had to contend with some rain, we were all happy to walk up and down the street trick-or-treating and then spending time inside.  Maybe next year we can hope for some better weather as a fabulous foursome!

We even had the chance to spend the afternoon at the McWayne Science Center where the favorite section was the Itty Bitty Magic City where Riley got to be a firefighter, a mechanic, a chef and a vet, among other things.  I think we really could have spent 4 days there and he would have been happy.

We loved our visit so much and it was really all about the time that we got to spend with family.  And now, it sounds like we will get to visit again in May for a conference that Chris has, so we have another countdown to look forward to - bringing Matzo Ball baby down for his first visit to the South!

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