Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Home sweet home

As of last week, we are officially home owners!  It feels good to have the hunting and the paperwork behind us and are now able to focus our energy on unpacking and making this house our home.  I will admit that there are things that I may not love about the house, but that is probably true with any house, even if you build it from the ground up.

I will tell you, however, who is loving the new house... Riley!  He has a man cave/toy den in the basement, a swing set and slide in the backyard and a new room that he is already very comfortable in.  We were worried that he would wake up the first morning and be scared that he didn't know where he was, but this kid is an adaptable nomad who didn't complain once through the whole process.

Now that we are unpacking, we are finding all of the old favorite toys that had been packed up for a while - and making new toys - like humidifier filters that can be used as hats!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mazel tov again! It's such a perfect "first home" and we're glad you "took the plunge." Riley, like his parents have grown up traveling, staying in hotels and moving, and it's great to have an adaptable kid. Best wishes in your new digs!
BiBi (from Ireland) (BiBi's not Irish...she's visiting Ireland!)