Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Fun at the grocery store

This evening's exciting activity was a trip to the grocery store to do a minor stock up.  We hopped out of the car, picked out our cart with a race car on it and made a bee-line straight for the bakery so Riley could pick out his free cookie.  After licking the frosting and sprinkles off the top, he tossed it in the cart and was ready to help.

I don't know if any of you have ever tried to drive one of these extension shopping cart monstrosities but they are just about impossible to maneuver.  I almost knocked over a carton of canned tomatoes, had to wait my turn to walk down an aisle alone and at one point realized that a bagel display on wheels was attached to us and coming along for the ride!

After about 15 minutes in the cart, Riley decided enough was enough and it was time to explore - and by explore, I mean run up and down the aisles, hopping, jumping, making friends and at one point running through the pharmacy automatic doors and making a run for daylight.   Needless to say, I will be wearing my sneakers next time we take on this activity.

So we left Chris to do the shopping and took laps, exploring all of the options.  Riley was particularly fascinated by the ricotta cheese and sour cream display and took it upon himself to reorganize.  They clearly looked much better out of color order and in a tall stack!  This picture was taken just before the last one was placed on top, just slightly off balance, and I had to catch the Leaning Tower of Ricotta Cheese-a!

Lesson learned - do not expect to take a 2 year old to the grocery store alone to get shopping done.  Either go with back-up or go alone!

1 comment:

Asman Family said...

Maybe you could get him a summer job as a restocker at Giant Eagle. It seems that he already knows how to do it better than the ones that are working there now!