Friday, July 25, 2014

My challah!

This evening, we got back to family Shabbat, and lucky for us, Riley did not forget about his love for challah.   As soon as he saw it, he claimed "Mine", cried until he got a piece and then took the whole thing and wouldn't give it back.

He took huge bites between mouthfuls of pasta and was even nice enough to share it with his monkey chopsticks.  But when Mommy asked for a bite of challah, did Riley want to share?  No...

He did seem pretty proud of himself.  So with Chris beaming from ear to ear cause of Riley's fuel intake and a smile like that from my little guy, too - who was I to put a halt to all the happiness?

Now he better have energy for everything on tomorrow's "to do" list after all this carb loading!

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