Monday, April 21, 2014

New experiences in Pittsburgh

When I said on Sunday afternoon that we were going to have to find something to do after nap time, I had no idea that we would find SO much to do!  It was Easter Sunday and with almost everything closed, it was a challenge to find things that were open, but once we had a game plan, we hit the ground running and didn't stop for hours.

We headed down to Station Square and decided to take Riley on the incline for the first time.  We watched the cars go up and down.  When it was our turn, he was a little hesitant, but once we started moving, he was happy to watch the cars get smaller and head to the top of Mt. Washington.  We looked at the city, saw a "waterfall" from above (The Point) and even found an ice cream store that was open for our afternoon snack.

After heading back down again, we walked around Station Square and headed down towards the water.  That's when we heard it... a train!  We rolled the stroller as fast as we could and got there just in time to see the train chugging by.  Riley was so excited!  He kept waiving and saying "choo choo" and when it was gone, he looked for another one.  By the end of the day, he saw four trains go by and was excited about each one.

It was still early and beautiful outside so we drove over to The Point to show Riley the "waterfall" that he had found earlier.  He wanted to jump right in, of course, but was happy just to walk around the fountain and get sprayed by the mist.  We saw boats and trains and cars and bikes and babies and hats and everything else that Riley loves to point out.  It was such a beautiful day that we really just wanted to make the most of every minute that we could.


Anonymous said...

What a perfect day - and full of transportation! Riley must have been so excited by all of the new sites and sounds all day long!


Unknown said...

I LOVE those last two photos! So precious! What a fun day!

Asman Family said...

So glad that you're finding all that Pittsburgh has to offer! Sure, it's easy to sit home and WAIT for something to happen, but so much more exciting to get out there and MAKE something happen! Good Job!