Saturday, August 10, 2013

Slumber party

Last night, we had an Italian feast at Mommy and Daddy's.  The party was to celebrate Mommy being home, Stacey and Brad living in Pittsburgh, Chris being back from Israel and Riley's 11 month birthday.  We have a lot to celebrate!

We had a delicious and authentic Italian smorgasbord and enjoyed each others company.  Riley hasn't yet learned to appreciate the art of a leisurely and late dinner so as the salads were being passed around, he decided it was time for bed.

Since Mommy and Daddy have house guests and every room was filled, we set up Riley's bed in the master bedroom and let him sleep while we finished our dinner.  When it was time to go, he was sleeping so soundly that we just decided to let him have a sleep over party at BiBi and Zee's!

Aside from a quick outfit change and pacifier search in the middle of the night, the party was a success.  Riley slept until 8:30 this morning - over an hour later than he usually sleeps.   We are going to have to figure out the secret!

Chris and I came over in the morning so we could take a family walk and Riley told us what a good time he had with BiBi and Zee and how he wants to stay over more often.  Fine by me!


Asman Family said...

So glad that we got to host Riley's FIRST sleep over! He was an excellent party goer. Like most first time sleep overs, the parents were on call to rescue in the middle of the night, but luckily this rescue mission was not needed. (I did need a nap the next day, one that I never got!). Riley is welcome anytime!

Anonymous said...

Riley was the perfect houseguest...he slept late and had a big breakfast! What more could we ask for!
