Friday, July 19, 2013

First week of daycare

Today marks the end of the first official week of daycare.  But for those of you counting days, we only really had 4 this week.  Riley had been having a great week at daycare, making new friends, trying new foods, learning to share toys - and apparently germs, too!

I got a call yesterday after lunch saying that I had to come pick Riley up from school cause he was sick.  He barely had a fever but they said he had to go home and couldn't' come back until Monday.  So I picked up my little boy, brought him home and played with him for hours.  At daycare, they told me that they knew he wasn't feeling 100% because he didn't eat ALL the food they put in front of him like he usually does.

The good news is, all he really has is a little cold.  He's sniffly and stuffy but nothing a few days of naps and juice can't cure.  He was feeling well today, so rather than sitting at  home, we pretended like we had played hooky and headed to the pool! 

So his first week at daycare and my first week back to work weren't quite whole weeks, but we'll try again next week.

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