Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Bonding in Birmingham

This weekend, Riley flapped his wings and headed down South for the first time!  We were all looking forward to some family time and Riley was really excited to meet Grandy for the first time.

The weather wasn't the greatest but thats ok because we really went just to visit and spend time with everyone, no matter if it was inside or out.  Riley was handed back and forth between everyone and he was really great with all the new and returning faces.  We also got to spend time with new doggie faces and Riley had so much fun playing with Murphy and Ella.

Grammy and Grandy showed Riley off to everyone and we think the whole city knows who he is and has seen his picture already. Grammy even came over to babysit so Chris and I could go out to dinner with Eric and Natalie!  She said that she watched the video monitor the whole time and that it was a better show than anything that was on tv.

Amy and Evan were in town and so were Jeff and Arlene and we got to meet Lauren for the first time.  Riley was really pumped to say hello and kept trying to reach out and give her a hug.  Lauren wasn't really having it but she was really sweet and I'm sure she and Riley will play better when they are both a little bit older.

When the weather was nice, we spent time outside and when it wasn't so great, we found things to do inside.  Chris even taught Riley how to play the only song he knows on the piano!  It's going to take a little work but its a good thing we are starting early.  Now he can practice the piano and the new harmonica that Natalie and Eric got him.

The flights went well and on the way home, the flight attendant asked if this was Riley's first flight.  We told her that it was his already his 8th plane ride (woah!) but she still asked if he wanted to visit the cockpit.  He loved all the buttons and lights and if we would have let him, I'm pretty sure he would have pushed or eaten them all!  Let's add pilot to the list of potential careers.

We are already looking forward to the next family visit!

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