Tuesday, January 15, 2013

4 month check-up

This morning, we took Riley to the doctor for his 4 month check-up.  We got there a little early so we had a little time to sit in the waiting room and read a book about Winnie the Pooh's trip to the doctor.

All of Riley's measurements were taken and he is just above average for everything.  He now weighs 15 pounds and is 26 inches long!  The doctor walked in and said that he is looking perfect and round (in a good way).  She answered all of our questions and said that he is great.  Riley had a great time on the table playing with the paper and showing off his head-holding skills.

The last part of the visit was the part we were all dreading.  He had to get 4 shots and drink 1 liquid.  The nurse gave them all quickly so he reacted to them as a batch and was not happy.  He cried and cried but after they were done and we put his clothes back on, he stopped crying and fell asleep in his carseat.  Now, the only evidence of the shots are band-aids on each limb.  Overall, Riley was a very good patient and we don't have to go back until his 6-month check-up!


Anonymous said...

Dear Riley;
The shots are always the hardest part. They take you by surprise when you're so young and unsuspecting, right? But as time goes on, there will be less and less of those...until you start traveling with me. Then you may need more shots again but by that time, they are few and far between.

I don't want you to be sad.
I love you!

Asman Family said...

I told ya; ya gotta watch out for those Doctors. No sooner do you turn you back and they come at ya with sharp things. Believe me, I know these things!

Glad everything went well.

