Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Tour of the hospital

This past week, we took the second part of our Great Expectations class, including a tour of the hospital.  We saw all of the different rooms that we will see during the labor and delivery process.   

First, you start in triage - they check you in and make sure that you are actually in labor and should stay at the hospital.  You check into a private desk and they bring you to a private room where you stay for about an hour for an exam and some tests.  This part is nothing like the emergency room that you see on tv with pregnant women sitting around waiting for a bed.

From there, they bring you to the labor and delivery room up a few floors.  This room is larger as this is the part where the most nurses, coaches, doctors and helpers are involved.  This room is also private and although its a hospital, its pretty and comfortable.

After the hard work is done, you are moved upstairs to the recovery room which is where I will live for 2 days after the baby is born - and where all my visitors will come!  The picture above is the actual recovery room.  The couch to the side turns into a bed so Chris can sleep in the room whenever he wants.

It was good to be able to see the rooms because when the actual time comes, it won't be new to me and will seem more familiar.  At the same time, however, it was a little scary to see the rooms too cause that means we are getting closer and closer to D-day (delivery day).  I just have to keep reminding myself that people go through this every day, have more than one baby and it will all be worth it in the end!


Asman Family said...

Yea!! Looks like you got the Grand Tour. It seems that they have it down to a Science...which they should. You're right. Millions of women "Pop out a baby" all the time. You'll do fine. Looks like the Hospital is well equipped and prepared for everything. We're with ya!!!

Asman Family said...

Yea!! Looks like you got the Grand Tour. It seems that they have it down to a Science...which they should. You're right. Millions of women "Pop out a baby" all the time. You'll do fine. Looks like the Hospital is well equipped and prepared for everything. We're with ya!!!

Unknown said...

Dibs on spooning with Chris on the pullout couch!