Monday, May 14, 2012

My 1st Mother's Day

I had the opportunity yesterday to celebrate my first Mother's Day as a pre-mother!  It was really nice to be able to enjoy brunch and free time with Chris' whole family and everyone was helping to celebrate my upcoming motherhood.  

I got flowers and candy to enjoy now, books to read in my new-found free time, a gift to select on my own in the future and a "Coming Soon" picture frame with an ultrasound picture of Blueberry that now sits on my nightstand.

The other exciting gift that we got to celebrate was some baby kicks!  I have been feeling them inside but the baby was feeling festive and let both Chris and I feel movement a few times throughout the day.  We had the biggest kick yet and I think now that the baby knows what its doing, we will feel more and more kicks!


malori said...

That's awesome! That's was a present from Baby Blueberry to both of you! And I love the "coming soon" picture frame to go on your nightstand. Wait a don't have a nightstand!

Asman Family said...

Believe me...while one of the good things about being a parent is celebrating Mother's Day and Father's Day; they are by no means the BEST part. Just"ll see. Glad Blueberry is making His/Her presence be known. It's His/Her way of saying "Hay, Hay, Hay...don't forget about me...Hay, Hay, Hay...". Just wait.