Friday, November 1, 2019

Super Hero Halloween

We asked the boys what they wanted to be for Halloween this year and it should come as no shock to anyone who has met us that they wanted to be super hero's!  This is totally acceptable (if not predictable), especially because Chris and I already had existing super hero outfits that we could join in on the group costume with Black Panther and Spiderman!   

The weather has been dry and sunny all week, but of course, it had to be rainy, cold and super windy on Halloween.  But that was not going to stop us from going trick-or-treating!  Chris and the boys went out with the neighbors and left Addie and I behind to hand out toys.  She was a very good helper and only barded at people when there was a group coming to the door all at once.  I stationed myself on the covered front porch in a folding chair and watched the costume parade.

Once the boys were done trick-or-treating (they stayed out for over an hour), Asher wanted to help give out our treats.  He set up his station and let me know when the next group of kids were coming to the door.  I was hoping for nicer weather, but at least it wasn't raining too much and everyone had a great time on this very exciting holiday!

We also weren't going to get too bummed if Halloween was rained out cause we have been practicing for weeks!  Last weekend, Asher and I went to the Halloween parade in Mt. Lebanon and had a great time.  He was all in as soon as he heard that they throw candy at your feet and you get to collect it.  Riley had also already gone trick-or-treating when he went camping with Y-Guides last weekend so we have been celebrating for ever!

And just to make sure that there was always something to do to get ready for Halloween, we had to carve pumpkins, too!  And when I say 'we' carved pumpkins, I actually mean I carved pumpkins!  The boys wanted nothing to do with scooping out the seeds - Asher was grossed out by it and Riley just wanted to start sawing away at the pumpkin.  But we tried out some cool stencils this year and I think they turned out pretty cool!

So now we move onto November, put the costumes away for a few weeks or so and wait for the next opportunity to don our super hero looks!

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