Monday, July 2, 2018

Road Trip!

For the past many, many months we have had Gabe and Arielle's wedding to look forward to - and in addition to that, we created a road trip between the wedding and Hershey to make the most of our time on the road!  So we packed up all of our stuff, packed the car full, turned on the tablets in the back seat and enjoyed the road.  The boys loved every minute of the wedding weekend and the event lived up to the hype.  We had so much fun with family and enjoyed celebrating Gabe and Ari!

After the wedding, we headed to New York City and hit up the Big Apple.  We went to Times Square, Central Park, ate pizza, bagels, hot dogs and pretzels, we explored the city, road the subway and walked miles and miles.  We had a teeny tiny hotel room that we packed ourselves into but at the end of the day, we used it as a headquarters and spent so much time out in the city that never sleeps.  On the way out of town, we took a ferry to Ellis Island and the Statue of Liberty and saw it from every angle.  We even hiked up 197 steps up to the pedestal of the statue - Riley hiked up on his own and I carried Asher up like a little monkey.

Next up, we headed to the city of Brotherly Love (or in our case, love but also kicks and yelling) and played tourist in Philadelphia.  We hit up all of the touristy spots - the Liberty Bell, Independence Hall, the Constitution Museum, the burial spot of Benjamin Franklin, a carnival, the Ferry Terminal market and so much more.  We ate Philly cheesesteaks, ice cream and snacked around the city.  We had the perfect exploring weather and the weather held out so we were able to make the most of our time in Philly.

Last up, we made it to Hershey, the sweetest place on earth!  We started the chocolate fest at the hotel with handfuls of chocolate and Chocolate Bingo.  Asher was not old enough to understand the game and made it a little challenging to play along but Riley got into it and loved when he won.  Zee, true to form, continued his streak of winning Losers Bingo and loved that he was able to keep the tradition alive.  We swam in the indoor and outdoor pool and went to Chocolate World to have lunch with milkshakes, measure ourselves up to the characters and learn how chocolate was made.  Riley remembered the last time we were there and it was so nice to continue the family tradition of visiting Hershey this summer.

We had such a great time on the road and after 10 days together, we all still enjoyed each others company.  We came home with a ton of stories, pictures galore, a lot of laundry and memories to last a lifetime!  I would definitely plan another road trip and think the boys will get more and more out of it the older they get.  Here's to more time of the road!

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